Wargames Scenery / Terrain – Trees and Woods

Posted: March 13, 2011 in Uncategorized

stand of trees on hill

Creative Commons License

photo credit: MatthewJCarter

After hills, trees and woods are probably the next most common and useful item to have as scenery on your wargames battlefield. Perfect for hiding behind, blocking line of sight or ambushes from the woods (Wood Elves anyone?) they are all round useful

Another post on my main blog – this time looking at trees and woods as wargames scenery and how you can make your own. Alternatively you can buy ready made woods or perhaps buy the trees to make your own woods with. Either of the latter approaches make for ideal short cuts if you want to get some woods done quickly and don’t have the time to make your own from scratch. I made some trees myself from scratch (actually using vine tomato vines), but have also made woods from ready made trees on the grounds that it is much quicker to do and ready made trees are not that expensive, especially if you buy somewhere like eBay.

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